Who are you?
I get that a lot. My name’s Justin, I’m a writer who works in TV and has lived many lives as an editor, writer and podcast host. I’ve helped create shows on Netflix and HBO, worked at places like ESPN and the Nieman Journalism Lab, and written for The New York Times, The Atlantic, GQ and Dwell. I’ll never ask you to listen to my mixtape.
Why should I subscribe?
This is true: Reading this newsletter will help improve your credit score and also counts as self work to your therapist. Or, more accurately, it’ll be a weekly fun diversion featuring essays, short fiction or updates on interesting projects. I promise, promise, promise I won’t get too navel gaze-y and I won’t waste your time.
Also, this way there’s an answer whenever anyone (OK, especially my family) asks “so…what are you actually doing these days?”
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